Are you looking for the Best Principles to Grow Your Church Quickly? There is so much information out there. But do not let that overwhelm you. If you dig down deep enough, you will see that all of the information available to you is good advice, but none of it is “the best.” It only becomes best through shared effort.

As a new church member, I am often asked, “What are the Best Principles to Grow Your Church?” Usually, I agree with those who respond, “The Ten Commandments.” They clearly state that we have a moral duty to keep the commandments and be obedient. I agree wholeheartedly. However, I also believe that a healthy church is one where the members are encouraged to grow in faith, love, and understanding each week.

How to Help Your Church Grow?

What can you do to encourage growing your church and promoting togetherness? The answer is simple. It would help if you began by learning and teaching the Ten Commandments. Teach your members that these are the standards that they must hold to when they are walking in the footsteps of Jesus. When they are doing their religious business under the banner of Christ, these standards become part of their daily lives.

  • Are you ready? Great! But first, if you are a church leader who has not yet applied these Ten Commandments, are you even willing to step-up and start now? If you have been following the Bible and its teachings all along but have not yet applied these teachings in your church, are you willing to begin now?

  • Are you willing to ask God for His help? The Bible says that we should ask Him for His help. That is our most important principle. We must never turn our backs on God. He is our source, our lifeline, and our anchor.

  • Are you willing to provide resources to your members to help them learn the truth? Learning can be messy and frustrating. It is messy because it takes time. But sometimes learning is the only way to move forward. You cannot stay stagnant. It would help if you moved on to grow and to be successful.

  • Are you willing to go out into the community and share what you have learned from your church? This is even more important in the community. It would be best if you got out there and get educated. You cannot stay behind closed doors thinking about things. You have to get out there and meet people.

What You Should Do as a Leader?

These are the most important things that every church leader should do. Every church consists of members. If you want to build a healthy church that can grow and prosper, you have to apply the best Christian living principles. If you are willing to follow God’s teachings and use them in your church, you will see excellent results.

The Best Principles

First, what are the best principles of Christian leadership taught in your church? Are there specific things that your church members can do to grow their families? Can you lead your member’s typical stuff about money and financial management? Can you help them understand the principle of tithing? There are hundreds of valuable lessons that can be learned from God’s Word and applied in the lives of your members.

Look for Resources

Second, where can you find these resources? You can begin with the Internet. Search for “church resources” and see what comes up. You will be amazed at how many websites come up. Spend some time doing research. This will take time, but it will be well worth it in the end.

How Would You Utilize the Resources?

Third, what can you do to bring these resources into your church? If you have a website, have an ongoing discussion on finances. If you have members, try asking your members to help with the finances if you build a secured online presence through creating websites or creating your church’s very own social media account. It is essential to measure your social media performance and have authority online.

Lastly, continue to study and learn. Take some time and absorb what the Bible has to say. Then apply what you’ve learned. It will require time, but the rewards are well worth it. In the end, this process will serve you well as you continue to grow as people and in your community.