It is essential to understand what to do if your Facebook ad account is disabled. Many Internet marketers will experience this regularly, but it does happen for the simple reason that they do not know what to do when their ad is disabled. It is essential to be aware of what to do if your Facebook account is disabled.

Simple steps you can do if your Ad Account is disabled

If you are using Facebook church advertising to grow your church online and to let more people hear about you and your community, then you might want to learn which ways you can do when your ad account is disabled.

Recover your account if its hacked

One of the first things to realize is that there is a possibility that someone hacked your account, compromising your personal and financial information, which is why you may have been unable to log in to your account for some time. Some tools can help you identify whether your account was hacked and to what extent, and it will also let you know how to fix the problem.

Notify your advertisers

The next most important thing to do is to notify your advertisers. If you have not communicated with them, then the chances are that they were not informed about the problem, and it is likely that they have not had an opportunity to take action. If you cannot contact your advertisers, then it is expected that you will not be able to send them messages, and, likely, you will not receive any sales. You should try and contact all of the major advertisers that you have listed on your profile.

Communicate with your advertisers

Another right solution is to create a group and join a chat group that will allow you to communicate with your advertisers. In this way, you will show them that you are active users and care about their advertisements. You will also explain why you think it is essential to contact your advertisers if you cannot log into your account.

Remove unneeded and malicious ads

You can also try to get rid of any ads that you do not want by emailing the advertiser and asking them to take them off your ad. This will often work, allowing you to make changes, such as removing an ad that you do not want or deleting a product from your account that you have not used for a long time but have used before.

Deleting ads

Some people will try to delete ads to increase the number of clicks they get on their ads, but this is not always effective. One option that works quite well is to use the “AdWords” feature. To do this, you will need to join AdWords and start a campaign with a specific keyword.

When you start your ad campaign, you can tell AdWords about the keyword you are using, and you will be given a list of keywords. This will allow you to target only those who might be interested in your services or those who want to know more about your church. This will help ensure that you only focus your campaign on the most likely people to learn more and would become more interested in your church.

Provide necessary changes

Another thing that you can do when your ad is disabled is to make some slight changes. For instance, you can add an image to the ad. This can allow you to use Facebook when advertising your church and increase people’s chances of clicking on your ad.

Add a useful link

The last option you will find useful is adding a link to your Facebook account, which will let people know that you have an ad on their site. This link will allow them to click on your ad to see more information about you and the product or service you are advertising. However, you should avoid using links that look like spam instead of those that will only draw people to your site and not their actual ads.

In the end, you should learn what to do if your Facebook ad account is disabled. Even if it is for a short period, you should be able to find a solution. It is a great way to get your ad back up and running.