One of the things you probably already know is that it’s tough to compete in today’s struggling church industry. Regular Sunday Church meetings are expensive, and some are even more expensive than those held in our “real” world! Add to that a new wave of “online” churches springing up every year, many of them completely free, or at least inexpensively hosted. The bottom line is, traditional Sunday Church isn’t making everybody rich – yet.

Learn all the Must-Knows!

Here is Must-Know Church Marketing Secrets that will help your church thrive even during these challenging times:

Hold regular Bible studies.

No matter how busy your schedule is or how many events you need to make to fulfill your growing numbers, people still want to come and learn! Studies keep people excited about your mission and your church and excite them about the religious community’s future. A well-planned and carefully executed “study weekend” can be as helpful as a hot cup of coffee to a religious convert.

Reach out to your current members

Don’t be afraid to experiment with new ways of reaching your current church members. One of the best tools we have for doing this is the web! Use the web to send newsletters to members and post message boards on your blog or site. You can also create blogs to promote your church and teachings. Blogs reach people faster, and they are more convenient for marketers who seek to advance their church. Post a frequently asked question here or there; post a new blog entry or news story; invite members to a Face-to-Face meeting – anyway, the web is the perfect tool for getting the word out about your wonderful community!

Try several new approaches

Don’t be afraid to try new and creative marketing approaches. Traditional brick and mortar churches have the advantage of designing and custom building almost all of their promotional materials. But the beauty of the web is that many reputable web printing companies can print your materials almost for a fraction of what it would cost you in the “real” world. The key is to find printers who understand the value of a high-impact marketing campaign and are willing to work with you creatively.

Market your church in the most modern ways

Remember to keep your church marketing plan fresh and unique. One of the keys to a successful campaign is to keep it interesting. Nothing keeps people coming back to your church more than a new and exciting attraction to your church. Consider using a contest, offering a free product or service, or hosting an event of some kind to keep people coming back. Blogging, for example is a good way to market your church. There are many ways blogging helps in marketing church, and you need to discover those by engaging in blogging.

Establish ties and connection

It’s best to have some solid relationships with local businesses when it comes to publicity. While you want to spread the word far and wide, it’s still best to have some well-established business ties in the area. If you manage to get them to support your efforts, they will feel some synergy when it comes to promoting your church and your activities.

Be flexible! People come and go.

If a person who has been a member of your church for years decides to leave the church because they don’t feel like being a part of it any longer, then, by all means, allow them to go. Don’t try and force them. Instead, give them some space and time to explore another faith or community. They may even decide to come back!

Market Your Church Now!

Hopefully, these tips to successfully grow your church will be to find the best ways for you to market your church. There are many different churches out there with other marketing methods, but the main thing that is consistent among them is the continued desire to grow their church. People love coming to church, and it can be challenging to maintain the interest and participation of your current members if you don’t continue to meet their needs. Keeping them involved actively is a crucial part of how to find new church marketing strategies