The most effective strategies to grow a small church need to be developed with the church members. The process must be created with the leadership of the church to be successful. Most churches will put out a “mission statement” or a statement of faith that outlines the church’s vision and mission. The leadership of the church needs to come up with their strategies to grow the church.

Every Church Needs to Grow

If a small church leader knows that it is not growing, there is little chance for survival. God does not promise us anything; He has left us our work. We are His house, and we are to grow in His time. We can grow in numbers, but we can also grow in spirit. Growth in the heart is an integral part of being a Christian. It is impossible to achieve growth unless we have personal experience with development.

The church needs to recognize that its failure to grow means the death of the soul. The church needs to understand that people in the pews are not participating because they are not interested. These people need to be reached by the church leaders to see the value of what the church has to offer.

It Helps to Have a Strong Community

There is nothing more effective than having a strong community where people are actively encouraged to participate. If the church does not grow out to become a community, it is dead. If it ceases to grow, the members will begin to look for other places of participation, which means no growth. There is simply no point to a church if it cannot produce an active and growing membership.

In our generation, many people have been ‘shunned’ because of the sin of selfishness. This is a horrible shame because the world has lost a great deal through desire. The average person today has more than his neighbor does. For a small church to survive, it has to recognize this truth and do all it can to bring people back into the fold.

Leaders Should Lead the Church Well

The next step involves looking at how the leaders are leading the church. Many churches fall victim to a pattern that is not effective. There is a lack of accountability, and the church leaders become lax in applying guidelines to their members. The church needs to insist on accountability and implement strict rules that hold church leaders accountable. An inactive church is a dead church.

A Church Must be Warm and Welcoming

Lastly, the church must find a way to become known as an attractive and warm place. Many churches have become soulless over the years due to neglect and disinterest by the membership. A warm and welcoming church is one that is inviting to new members and non-members alike.

These are effective strategies to grow the church. Next, a church has to acquire the tools necessary to be successful. These tools include good leadership, an active and growing membership, and the ability to attract members and build relationships with them. The church can accomplish these tasks through training and professional assistance. You can also grow the church by encouraging and doing good things for others.

There’s Always a Way to Reach More People

If the church also wants to reach more people from different communities, finding ways to propagate their teachings is an excellent way to do it. Creating websites, building a name and authority online, and being active on social media is another right way to preach and teach. It is also essential to keep your online presence on track, and measuring social media performance should be a priority.

Good leadership starts with the leader and includes his or her role model. The leader must understand that he or she is not the best leader in the world. Other leaders have done great things, and their example can inspire the members to emulate them.

Invite and Grow Your Church

Invite others to become members. It is essential to keep your church community informed of your mission and intentions so they will know where their involvement can be of benefit to you. As a result, they will be more likely to get involved and build their community. It is essential to encourage involvement by offering your time, talents, and resources to your members. This will grow the church and increase membership. Social media can also help your church marketing, so you can also invite more people through that platform.

Finally, practical strategies to grow the church should seek out and bring in new members. This takes work but is possible with a solid plan. Find out what your church community needs and look for opportunities to meet them. It is essential to maintain an ongoing relationship with your growing membership. With this lasting relationship, you will have a leg up on your competitors.