Are you looking for cost-effective ways to invite people to your church? It’s quite simple. You might have the best church in the world, but if you don’t ask people to it, they’ll find another church – or else. That’s why churches should be intentional about inviting new people to their services.

Cost-effective ways to invite people to your church

  • Give away freebies. Every church should give some time for members and visitors to sample the goods. For instance, a church logo can be imprinted with the message “free Christian sample.” Please make sure the samples are of high quality, though; otherwise, people will discard them quickly! It will be a great church advertising way that will attract more people.
  • Make a website. This is one of the cheapest and most effective ways to invite people to your church. All you need is a computer with an internet connection, and you can already reach thousands of people! Just make a simple website about your church and place a simple ad. Don’t forget to add your contact information and your church logo! It’s that simple!
  • Offer contests. This is an excellent way to get people interested in your church. Prizes like t-shirts, coffee mugs, hats, and other stuff can be given to churchgoers who will fill out a survey. You can also set up an application process where churchgoers can apply for contests by simply visiting your website. There are many ways to encourage people to fill out the forms.

Apart from those mentioned above, you can also try some other ways to invite people to your church, including:

  • Give away flyers. Spread out your church’s flyer program on bulletin boards around town. You can quickly post these flyers at grocery stores, laundromats, laundromat shops, dollar stores, etc.
  • Get involved in local events. There are many church-sponsored events that you can participate in. These include church picnics, church tournaments, and community fairs. Church fairs are a great way to let people know about your church and what it has to offer! You can give out free bibles or set up tables or chairs for people to eat during the event. The more you promote your church and its services, the more people will want to know about you!
  • Make your church logo visible. This is the best way to invite people to your church! You can put your church logo on your website, on your church letterheads, and even in your yard. Make sure that your logo is big and bold so that people can easily read it. People love to be surrounded by the beautiful image of your church!
  • Don’t be afraid to hand out brochures and flyers. Hand them out at the malls, public areas, and even at tourist attractions. Tell people to bring them home with them, so they can read them and learn more about your faith. Word of mouth is mighty! Give others some information about what your church has to offer without expecting them to try to contact you.

Be Creative When Inviting People

You may also try giving away items with your church logo on them, like magnets, bookmarks, and CDs. There are all kinds of things that people can use to promote their faith! Give away T-shirts, mousepads, and other merchandise. These are inexpensive yet practical marketing tools. And, they will get you some excellent feedback from your friends and family!

Why not also try to offer events such as fundraisers and church camps. People love to support their favorite church groups, and they also get a lot of satisfaction from helping out. Host a party and watch your church logo being displayed for everyone to see. Have guests bring in donations, toys, and CDs.

These are only some of the many ways to invite people to your church. Of course, you will find that the more successful you are at using these methods, the more people will want to come and visit! In essence, you’ll be doing them a favor by letting them celebrate their birthday at your church. It’s a win-win situation!