Simple and Helpful Ways to Market Your Church

There are many helpful ways to market your church online. The first step in the right direction is to have a website. The website is the core of how you communicate and interact with your church members. You can build relationships by placing a link to your church on...

Use Social Media To Market Your Church

Many churches shy away from marketing because they are afraid of offending people who might be considered non-Christians or unable to attract new members. This is a widespread concern in small, mainstream denominations. But the truth is that most churches are too...

How Social Media Can Help the Church

If you are a church leader, you probably already know how important social media is to your church. As more churches are using online blogs, message boards, and discussion forums for their web activities, the need to have an effective marketing strategy that keeps...

What Are the Essentials of Church Marketing?

What are the basics of church marketing? There has been much written about this, as churches have struggled with keeping up with the modern challenges brought on by the economic downturn. While everyone from laypersons to the most successful mega-churches is affected,...