6 Things To Avoid In Leadership

Do you remember playing follow the leader when you were a kid? As a kid, it was more about the teacher trying to minimize chaos in the classroom and less about teaching us about leadership. But today, we can definitely draw some leadership principles on how to lead...

4 Quick Ways To Promote Your Easter Event

Easter is the highest attended service of the year. Hopefully, you are thinking through promotions and reminding your audience when this day comes around every year. If not, here are some clear ways to get started. Focus on your imagery and make it consistent One...

4 Ways To Increase Video Views

So you’ve assembled an awesome video to promote your ministry, message or event and you can’t wait to get it in front of anyone who will watch. But wait, what about that last part? How can you get your video in front of people other than your colleagues, mom and your...

How Churches Can Get More Followers on Instagram

Are you pondering how to reach your church outside of Sunday’s service? Instagram is a brilliant platform to build community and share information about times of fellowship with your church squad. There are many reasons why Instagram should be your church’s next tool...